Thursday, July 15, 2010

I can slay a devil when I see one.

I've been noticing just how bad society is.
I mean yeah I read about it all the time but when its right
in your face .. its like mind blowing.
If you can't hold a conversation with someone or tell
a story without swearing once, there's a problem.
I mean yeah I swear all the time, I know how to control it tho.
Also, if you can't hold a conversation with someone because
you're too busy talking about yourself there's a problem.
Get your head out of your ass & take a look around.
Being selfish will get you no where.
Feeling sorry for yourself gives the same results as well.
Stop complaining about how work is all you do.
How you have no fun, friends or adventures.
& stop complaining. Someone always has it worse than you.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, I know you'll love it xoxo
