Wednesday, September 15, 2010



So all week all I heard was "Hey did you see that Providence Hoes page on facebook?" Well I don't be on Facebook like that and today while I'm bored babysitting my brother I went on this stupid ass page and saw a picture of a girl I knew. The fact that her picture was up there didn't bother me as much as the fact that 1. she's a minor and 2. as you can see in the picture above this person proceeds to put where this girl chills! WHOEVERR the no life is creating these "Providence Hoes" and "Providence Dirty Guys" is needs to.. . you guess it, GET A LIFE! Why would someone in their right and occupied mind just sit at their computer and blatantly disrespect these people. WHO cares if they're "hoe's" or "dirty".. . ARE YOUU HAVING SEX WITH THEM? IS IT WITH YOUR VAGINA AND OR PENIS THEY'RE FUCKING?! My Goodness. & what ENRAGED me the most was the fact that this person was upset because I didn't delete one of my comments and proceeded to call ME, VANESSA MERCEDES a hoe. LMFAO. They obviously use the word too freely and need to go somewhere with themselves. & if anyone feels the need to ask if this post was necessary, YES! I'm sick of people in this shitty state worrying about everything and everyones life but their own! Focus on making yourselves better people.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I wish Twitter could go back to how it used to be. Back when people didn't tweet nonsense just to reach a certain tweetcount. Good thing there are still good tweeters out there.

MErcedes's Favourites.

RT @DamnitKIA @NesslyBay I got you sayin "hot as dick sauce" ...I love it!!

RT @ttopheravilaa @NesslyBay I absolutely LOVE your open sexuality and how you sound like a sex mogul without being a whore. G-E-N-I

RT @akaJMB truth be told, i been feeling different lately. like, fuck money, and the dollar is the devil's baby.


RT @SkeetLeo Motherf*cking summer 2010! If you're swimming in negativity and not having fun, get up outta that. Just afew words from me to you. #BryLife

Just some lol.


Sorry for my absence.
My week has been nut-so.
Currently watching Capitalism: A Love Story.
I've chilled with a lot of random people this week.
#Shoutout to all of you.

Why is America so fucked up to the middle class?
Wait, theres no such thing as a middle class anymore.

The winter is coming. Oh joy.
No, seriously. I LOVE the winter.
I have to go shopping SO bad.
& I turn 21 in less than 6 months.
I can't vote unfortunately :/
I didn't register in time, womp womp.

FYI: Don't ever say to me, "I went on your blog" in a threatening way. I know everything that I say. & why I say it. I take nothing back. & also, if I unfollow you on Twitter please believe that if & when I see you in the streets, I will say hi because Twitter is just NOT important.

Taking & Giving.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010


These things won't stop coming out. I feel like I gave up. I work all week and I really look forward to the weekends. & now that's been taken away. I don't understand why I have to suffer from YOUR unhappiness and YOUR struggles. I do all that Vanessa can. & then that backfires. I do "TOO" much & now all of a sudden I got to stop. Who understands anymore because I really don't. Guess I'm losing sight of the bigger picture but honestly thats coming in between me and my current happiness. That's all I want, is to live my life, learn & be happy because I think I deserve it. Perhaps I'm too focused on others people's happiness & thats my downfall. I don't expect anyone to actually read this. But I really need to make these things stop coming out & this place is my go-to. I guess its time to let it go.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day FOE!

Picture of where I went today/yesterday:

Baja's after watching The Takers.


I tried catching the moon because it was beautiful #FAIL

Day 3.

I apologize. I suck at these daily things because I'm not home enough.
Anyway. Day 3. Picture of what you did today.