Monday, August 30, 2010


When did it became cool to sit around & get WASTED all the time? Why would you ever want to say that working a basic job is all that you're doing with your life? How late are the majority of you with Polo? & How bad did the majority of you play it out? When was it necessary to smoke eighths on Wednesday nights? Please don't EVEN get me started on cigarettes & blacks. This whole MoneyOverEverything mentality??? & why are women being disrespected more & more? Do you know how many dudes fucked things up with GOOD ass girls this summer because of this ...

"Shit she prol out here fucking niggas,
I'm fucking her friends now her friends aint even fucking with her,
damn she text me all day and night,
so pissed off she aint even spelling shit right,
I text her back, tell her its life,
now somebody tell them hoes, I’m single for the night."

BTW. Quick tip from someone who's been in a relationship for a while, if you ever feel the need to be single for a random night you shouldn't be in a relationship to begin with."

Anyway. That's why I refuse to go along with the current this day in age. I rather NOT listen to the radio. I rather NOT be in the club. I RATHER be in school. I protect myself from getting pregnant as best I can because quite frankly, I GOT SHIT TO DO. I hope you all realize that this is my go to source to voice my opinions & if I insult anyone in any way shape or form, I don't give a damn.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Morning

Except that today the rain wasn't pouring.
It was hot as "dick sauce."
Baby & I went to Boston for my Father's
45th surprise birthday party.

Day two - picture of something you wore.
Scroll up for a bunch of em.
Wet seal shirt.
Banana Republic shorts.
Red I's.

Walked right out of Heaven.

So I finally saw
& I loved it.
& the fact that my boo Shia was in it
Made it 10x better :)


Speak louder.
Make sure NO one disrespects you.
Always say please & thank you.
Say yes just a little more.
Watch a new movie each week.
I will cook when the kitchen is mine.

Day One

Here are three pictures of me.
What can I say .. I like my face.
I know who I'm voting for.
People say I'm wasting my time but ..
For the Presidential election I wasn't able
to vote because I became a Citizen in May.
So now that I finally have the ability to vote, I'm doing it.
& I think you should too.
BTW - If & when you have the chance .. Check out

Photo Challenge.

Day 01 - A picture of yourself
Day 02 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 03 - A picture of what you did today
Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture of your morning
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - A picture that makes you cry
Day 08 - A picture of yourself
Day 09 - A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10 - A picture of what you like to do
Day 11 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 13 - A picture of your friends
Day 14 - A picture of your favorite teacher(s)
Day 15 - A picture of yourself
Day 16 - A picture of your dream cell phone
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 player
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Day 21 - A picture that makes you think of your loved one
Day 22 - A picture of yourself
Day 23 - A picture that describes your life
Day 24 - A picture of what you did today
Day 25 - A picture that you edited
Day 26 - A picture that makes you angry
Day 27 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 28 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 29 - A picture of yourself
Day 30 - A picture of you and your best friend

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wale - Ambitious Girl.

When I was six I had pink eye.
Harvest Moon is my favorite video game.
Years seem like months.
Alright. Alright. Just dance!
Real. I'd rather be that.
Every day is a mother fucking GIFT!
Ying yang. Siamese. Chinese if you please? *Giggle.
OTOWN - Liquid Dreams.
UHAULS are NOT clutch. Trust. I've moved 8 times, in this state!
Setting goals for yourself is key.
Eat healthy.
Thursday. I can't wait for Thursday.
Tomorrow basically LOL.
Love me some mashed potatoes. Especially kfc
Next couple of weeks .. . please don't disappoint.
? .. . I ask myself the same thing.

Para La Flor

Y ya.

Shout out @xONickyy :*

Shout out Aaqilah :)

You know how I do ;)


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Window Seat - Erykah Badu

Has to be one of my favorite songs evahs.
I need to look into my yoga classes
and for a YMCA membership.
I need a partner. Someone willing.
Jasmine. That's what I've named her.
"Scotty beam me up."
Belle & Jasmine <3
Nemo is my favorite Disney movie tho.
Right now we're watching Star Wars.
By we I mean, my love.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Not a cry for help in anyway.

Hi. I've missed you & I came through to fix you up.
Thank you Stress-Ness for taking the Stress off Ness.
I'm taking it day by day as best I can say.
Keeping my heart light & my mind heavy.
Sometimes I wonder if you readers understand
where I'm coming from.
Living in this world in today's time I
can't help but ask myself. . .

Who am I?
Where do I want to be?
What do I believe in?
Who's important?
How will I reach my goals?
When will the rut end?
How can I become more helpful?
Have I made the right decisions?
Am I happy or comfortable?
Am I in charge of my destiny?
Or is it fate? Sike.

You know how I do.

So am I crazy for wanting/needing to go back to school.
Like dude, "you're a medical assistant!"
What if I want to be a Doctor. & this was just a stepping stone?
Why are you settling?
BTW; @dakidloso, you're a cool ass dude.
Do you feel special that I did it on here
& not gay ass twitter =P

Friday, August 13, 2010


Not what I expected, but props none the less.

Sucky sucky.

I bought a pair of New Balances.
I hate money.
I hate t-mobile.
I hate Cool. The word.
Vanilla Ice Cream is the shit.
Anthony has multiple personalities.
I say that jokingly but for real tho.
If I go back to CCRI I'm going to probably have to go
to the Lincoln Campus and . . I despise that campus.
"I could squash you like a bug right now" The Green Goblin.
Thinking of my second tattoo.
I need to change my diet.
My sweet tooth is annoying.
I've given someone a Spider Man kiss before.
My brother is seriously always free balling.
I think Twitter & I are about to break up.
I feel it in the near future.
Jay Electronica for President.
That is all.

Not tryna get all Aretha Franklin..

But R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is a great thing.
Its also a wonderful thing to be respected
wouldn't you say so ?
YEAH. & As to why ANYONE
thinks that they are going to be respected,
without actually giving respect.. .
is beyond me.


I've been MIA and not willingly either.
Working a fulltime job sucks.
I mean the pays straight but .. I feel like
I have very little MErcedes time.
But fuck that, I know a lot of people
who don't even have jobs so ..
Thank you Jehovah haha.
Did you know I used to be a Jehovah's Witness?
Back when I used to be half Salvadorian.
But now I'm full Dominican again and confused about religion.
I know a lot of people my age are in the same rut
so i'm not really stressing believing in anything.
I'm not like an atheist or anything .. I do believe in a higher being.
I just don't know if he's White, Black, Brown or Asian.

Aoww. That's enough of the talk. For this post at least.