Monday, May 31, 2010

Transition to Confessions.

Well. Just finished listening to Ryan Leslie's Transition.
& Now I'm revisiting a classic, Usher's Confession.

Anyway. I felt like I haven't been here in forever. I apologize.
Not much I can say that my pictures already haven't.
I've been keeping busy as best I can.
Trying to stay positive in such hard times.
The ability to be open minded got me far the past couple of weeks.
I've been chilling with the most random & interesting people.
Listening to everyones comments on the things happening in our life
& seeing different points of views is a great thing.

One thing that really stuck with me is .. .

Guys throw the word around left & right.
"Wanna know why I call girls bitches..?"
The different explinations I've gotten are .. out of this world lmao.
I just sit back like .. you know what.. that makes sense.
Bitch .. idk. I really don't know how to feel about it.

What do you girls think about the word bitch?

Minnie Mouse

My little cousin Javianna had her 2nd birthday party.
It was a Minnie Mouse theme. Tooo cute.
She wore this:
Yeah. A freaking tu-tu. I loved it.
Lots of family. Food. Liquor. Spanish music & Candy.
Theres nothing better than a hick party in my book lol.

Ness is you tipsy?

I might be.

@NesslyBay Danvcing. Tweeyonh. Estin. Too much to my stste of mknd. Merengueeeeeee
7:37 PM May 30th via twidroid
I meant: Dancing. Tweeting. Eating. Too much to do in my state of mind. Merengue.

@NesslyBay Drink. I mrant drunk.tjo.
7:34 PM May 30th via twidroid
I meant: Drunk. I meant drunk tho.

@Nesslybay Cha xha slide. Legt. Rigt. Jump. Ima beast.
7:15 PM May 30th via twidroid
I meant: Cha cha slide. Left. Right. Jump. I'm a beast.

yeah .. I was saucy lmao. I was typing like I was completely WASTED because my phone is touch screen & I didn't feel like pressing delete lol. Well either way. I enjoyed myself :)


Sometimes I like to

Get away.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today was interesting.
Old people make me laugh.
I met an old lady today who is 101.
She's has had cancer twice.
& she's sharper than me.
Am I going to get to live a long full life?
Eh. I hope I make it to 50.

Then. Boyfriend & I had a whole movie theatre
to ourselves as a living room to enjoy Green Room.
It was good. I recommend it.

PS. Seriously though, why is half of Providence pregnant?
Lutera. Trojen. Depo. UvaRing.
CCRI. RIC. URI. Out of State College.
These are your best friends.

For a taste of something real follow this
intelligent black man.
Oh yeah, & me :)

Tank You, Tank You, Tank You.

I see the sitemeter going up.
I thank every single one of you
checking the blog.

You caused this smile.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm freaking exhausted.
Interning at the office 9 t0 5.
Then working 6 to 12.
Is. No. JOKE.

On a happier note, Baby Brian spent some time with us :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Losers buy.

I need a new bowling partner cuz Nicole aint cutting it!
lmao. I love you?
I came in third place, thank you Wii.

We can go a couple more rounds.

I love spending time.
I love it when you smile.
I love walks.
I love Greg.
I love our discussions.
I love laughing to your jokes.
I love Chiefing, with you.
Movies. Music. Photography.
I appreciate them more, because of you.
I hope you never treat me like the rest.
Keep me on the same pedestal I keep you on.
"Drugs .. . & acohol have RUINED my life .. ."
Arguing just makes us stronger.
Think of me as the pages in your diary.
Down to ride. Whenever, wherever.
I hope you know all of this.


Big. BLACK. Clyde.

So. This is my camera Clyde.
Boyfriend keeps telling me that I need to read the manual
so I can take pictures to his fullest potential.
Well I decided to take his advice. & while bored at
work I decided to experiment. Comments?