Saturday, April 11, 2009


This is what I wish I could tell certain people but I don't say anything because I'm sick of drama. If the shoe fits, wear it.

1. We're drifting. It was inevitable. Its not because I don't love you & you don't love me, that's just the way the chips played out. Stop doubting how much I need you in my life. I hope we end up going to the same school cuz it'll make life easier, on both of us.

2. I used to think you were kind of alright. Kinda cool. But .. . You're two faced. & the comments you make are unnecessary.

3. You are . .. on the bottom of my shit list. Disrespectful. I didn't really care about you before but .. . That's it. I find everything out. I know there was more than one. Different days as well. Fuck you. Cover that shit up.

4. You get sickening after a while. I feel like I need to watch what I say or what I do because eventually, you'll become very familiar to it. To the point where you do it as well.

5. I want to let go. Be able to trust you. Its hard though. I appreciate what you told me Thursday night. It really made me smile. I hate how our schedual never match. I hate feeling like I try harder than you. & I dislike these stupid bitches.

I'm really an easy going person. Like real easy going. But people LOVE to fcking provoke me & take advantage of me. & when I become a bitch & spaz out, I'm the bad one. I end up being the immature one. The one that's over-reacting. I'm sick of it.

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