Sunday, June 23, 2013

Practice makes Vanessa.

High. High above the ground.
Circling the moon, saying hi to the man.
The grass is moist and my toes have mud between them.
Trees around are pounding me with energia.

Eye contact with a rabbit lifted my spirits.
Follow it.. You are free to do what. ever.
+*The hope to one day have no schedule.
Losing the rabbit, guided by lucky crickets.  

End up in a clear spot. Still surrounded by trees.
Trees filled with nocturnal Aves. Just simply watching.
So I pop a squat, and  observe them also. The luminous
 moonlight makes it effortless.  Their energy is mesmerizing.

Connect back to the Universe. At the same time I was born.
Envisioning backpacking across the world. Giving hugs.
No care or worries ever.  Only love and harmony.
I see so many children. Touching their lives in various ways.
Expunging so much energy that all are given a fair amount.
So much laughter. Vibrating through my whole being.
I am floating back to the moon. Rejoin the man. Catch me
high.. high above the ground. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Bruins lost. Ha.


About everything
About nothing
A story
I need ideas
I ask the angels for ideas
I love the angels
I love the vibration of the universe
I thoroughly enjoy making wishes
Don’t really look to be understood
I want to surprise myself
I want to be amazed
Every cell. Absolutely amazed
Talk about what I know?
But what do I know?
It’s going to hit me like a TON of bricks
My heart will skip a beat
Children’s novel
A Wrinkle in Time
The Giver
I want to surprise myself
I don't miss cable in the slightest.
People become really defensive. For no good reason.

Most of the time I swear I just want to leave Providence because I feel so judged. The people who should never point fingers are always the ones doing so. They always feel the need to belittle people while they're at it. I'm really about a complete other life. My energy, aura, vibe, soul are Global. I have enough love for all. I strive to be love. Unless I'm on the road can't EVEN front...

Maybe I'm not even equipped for a higher standard of living.

I jump with joy every time I think about how successful I'm going to be and how many people are going to experience wonderful things through me. 

Great. Theres an asshole at my door.

Monday, June 10, 2013

My best friend,


How quickly my ideas are beginning to manifest, through you.
Set me free, let me run loose, wind in my curls, teeth chilling.
How subtle little things make a difference.
Like saying will, instead of good ol' hope.
Unconditional love, doing it for yourself, love and humanity.
Making someone smile, lending out a hand, being an ear, a shoulder.
Dreams. Dreams. DREams. DREAms. DREAMs. DREAMSSSSSS.
Passion also. Honesty too. Clarification fully. Nature, Sex definite.

Amor, Liebe, Cinta, L'Amour, Dragoste.


Letter to my Unborn child.

So close. So many times I thought I had you so close. I could hear your laughter, feel your heartbeat. Figments of my imagination. What if my life purpose is to be your Mother? To instill traits in you that I had to dig REAL deep to figure out. To allow you to make mistakes. Allow you to get as dirty and as messy as you want, as I couldn't. What if all I need in this life is you? What if embedded in your breath is my reason for living? My drive to be the greatest Vanessa I can be? It's like, you're crazy Mom. Do you really think I want to come to you before you do all that you need to for yourself? Do you think I want to come in between your dreams, goals and ambitions? I need you to be the best you for yourself, first. But... how I long to rock you to sleep. To see if you'll have my eyes, your Daddy's lips. I want you to demonstrate just how great Stephan & Vanessa are through your actions. My Mom, Dad & I meditate together, don't you guys? We accomplish monthly projects together, don't you guys? Yes, Grandma, yo te entiendo. But then I wake up. I realize that you aren't with me for a reason. The world is just not ready for that surge of love quite yet. Providence is not the place. But regardless, I pray to you like the future deity you are. Watch over me & keep me safe until it is my turn to rightfully return the favor.

Much love, light and joy to you, amor de mi vientre.

Friday, June 7, 2013

I should really find an age group that I want to start out with. I guess making the toddler books from ages 2-4 really interactive. As far as physical interaction is concerned. I read this book the other day that  had kids move different facial parts and body parts as well as total body movement. I want something along those lines. Every time I picture myself reading my book to a carpet of toddlers all I can invision is seeing a bunch of hands raised and all I hear is "YAYYY!!"

Perhaps I should make my characters go on missions that require the kids to help. Like run up the stairs and find us a towel for ______! Do 5 push ups to bring the wall low enough for _____ to get out! Run around in circles to get the wind moving! Jump up and down to grab the balloons for _____!

sigh. Idk. What I do know is that I want Kendel to illustrate my books.


So.. this is happiness.

I can't help but feeling like the world is trying to sway me into the digital age when it comes to my material. I keep being told of all these different interactive books on the iPad and Tablet but..... fuck that shit. Maybe perhaps in the future but for my initial ones, I want physical books.

I'm thinking of perhaps an Adventures of: .... type of book series. Find a character that helps everyone and is loved by everyone. I don't want it to have a Dora vibe though...

I don't necessarily want it to be an animal because I don't want it clashing with Black Sheep. Perhaps an object of some sort? My favorite tool? My favorite kitchen appliance? My Car? MY FUCKIN' YOGA MAT. MY YOGA MAT. My yoga mat will meet with all types of different characters and help all different type of situations but only through necessary action. Somehow I always want the character to end up giving something to the universe to find resolution in their problems. 

For example: 8 year old child visits the yoga mat. Child is trying to clear it's mind but all it can think of is the kid that pushed it at school today. Mat advises child that when he goes to school the next day, .. .. eh no. I'm not feeling that.

Day One.

So I basically just have to start writing. What about though? It’s clear that I want to write children’s books. I have to think of a concept and character(s).  I should determine the sex of my main character(s), the species of my character(s), the objective of my character(s), the fruition of my character(s), the service I provide to the Universe through my character(s), the genres of my miscellaneous books. I just want to be successful. Scratch that,  I will be successful in all of my literature endeavors. For the record, I am very high and I began writing this on a word document but... then I remembered I have a blog. This is for me to make sense of. 

I decide to Google “interactive books for children” and came across this link - - now that I have some ideas I plan to make my affirmations. 

I will have a successful line of children's books.
I will be a service to The Universe.
I will continue to be love and light.

Three is good for now.