But R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is a great thing.
Its also a wonderful thing to be respected
wouldn't you say so ?
YEAH. & As to why ANYONE
thinks that they are going to be respected,
without actually giving respect.. .
is beyond me.

I've been MIA and not willingly either.
Working a fulltime job sucks.
I mean the pays straight but .. I feel like
I have very little MErcedes time.
But fuck that, I know a lot of people
who don't even have jobs so ..
Thank you Jehovah haha.
Did you know I used to be a Jehovah's Witness?
Back when I used to be half Salvadorian.
But now I'm full Dominican again and confused about religion.
I know a lot of people my age are in the same rut
so i'm not really stressing believing in anything.
I'm not like an atheist or anything .. I do believe in a higher being.
I just don't know if he's White, Black, Brown or Asian.
Aoww. That's enough of the talk. For this post at least.
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