Sunday, February 14, 2010

Old Days.

On my way home today, I was at a stop sign. & these two girls were across from me & you could just tell they were like barely 16. They looked amped as fuck that they were out that late on a Saturday & Mom wasn't blowing their phone. Made me realize that yo .. . I'm not a teen anymore. Shits crazy. Idk why I'm taking it so hard. I can not believe I'm twenty. Shit has changed so much. I can't remember the last time I went to the mall without a purpose. Or remember the last time me & my girls just went out to eat then drove around all of Providence blasting music dancing & shit. "Yo yo drive thru this block to see if that nigguhs chillin outside!" lmao. SMH. The shit we did. I miss the old days a lot, but.. .you know, I'm getting used to the adult life. Seeing the people most needed often & telling everyone else "kid, you've been lost" but deep inside understanding they're getting shit done too. Some of my friends are still in that high school mentality where they let the past consume them & refuse to get used to the college lifestyle. Me? I'm taking shit for what it is. & enjoying myself as much as I can.

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