Me. yes I'm slacking.
I wish I could post more.
But I don't have a computer.
and when I'm with boyfriend.
he doesn't let me stay on Norah ;]
We just had spring break. I loved it.
Keith, Lezlie and I went to see Watchmen.
uhm .. tooo long. interesting. but long.
"that's what she said"
I miss Quincy =/.
I stayed at RIC for a while.
We went to Boston for the day.
vacation was just .. . relaxing.
I also saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.
me gusto.
I've spent like all of my savings.
fck Tmobile son.
I wish I could help my mother out more.
we're moving again.
I like the new house I suppose.
Timmy is sick. I need a new car.
Lil' girls are funny.
Second semester at college sucks.
I'ma do my best to hold you down
cuz you make me happy.
Ultra on Saturday for Danielle's birthday.
I'm sick of my sidekick.
Hope you feel better soon George.
Providence is becoming the new Compton.
lets get it together.
My mom turned 40. ay mami :]
I haven't done anything to you.

so if you're mad at me, its okay. you'll get over it.
I need to send my college transcripts to the new schools.
I'm leaning towards one now..
I hope I make the right decision.
these are all from my bitch. aka my sk.
I'm working nice hours this week.
too bad I can't enjoy the rest of my days since I have to pack.
Gotta think of a new wall of fame.
Lixis got her ring back.
my finger is lonely.
I'm almost at 1,500 views. womp lol.
you're the fucking best.
i really dont know what to write here, im just trying to keep myself awake =|