Anthony's a Cool kid. So Friday he came along to do all my errands.
he was chillin. eating donuts. jam`n to the music. pointing out the birds.
& suddenly, the kid's into puckering.
then it was nap-time. in the mean while. we went to the barbershop. waited for Giovanni. he slept. I read this bangin' book Lezlie let me borrow. I'm almost done.He took it like a Grown Ass Man.
He stole a hat from Children's Place.
And the gloves mind you.
Then, he wanted a Diego the Explorer bike. He was Diego. and I felt like Bob, you know the builder -___-.
&& this was my gift to .. me. UHM my day went pretty much down-hill from there. I don't want my birthday to come. I have like no intentions on getting my hopes up. I will be chilling at Dave & Busters on Friday though. at like 9pm. If you wanna come through and chill for a bit you're more than welcome. BUT uhm. I gotta go buy some brownie mix and get ready to go to RIC cuz its my boy RICHY PROFIT'S birthdayyy. so here's another Shoutout you undercover Guat =)
but uhm .. be easy none the less. ps. I'm craving taco bell. [ ????? ]
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