Thursday, July 11, 2013

Like a muscle, remember.

Hop once, hop twice and slide. I can walk however on
 MY path, right? Skip down it in the middle of the night.
 Walk backwards and somehow I take flight! 
The path along I can see for miles. On it I see NOTHING but smiles.
 I'm sure the rainy days are ahead of course. 
But deep inside I can't feel nothing but hope. I'm aware that
mistakes are made, but even they illuminate the way. 
Step by step I grow stronger, the path grows longer and 
all that matters is ...........


Much love.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Funerals, weddings and get togethers.
Walking around aimlessly. Wondering
pondering questioning admiring. I felt
disconnected. As if no one was ever
paying attention. No one noticed I did
not shed one tear. I hate the way I look
in this dress. These kids need to read more.
Adults don't know shit. I vowed to keep
my outlook. I wonder ponder question
admire. Connected to the only source
that matters. Expanding and forever - evolving.
888 - -         With much love. Keep shining.