& you are not invited.
I applied to The Illuminati.
I had two jobs, until this morning.
I registered for classes.
My Mom knows I blow back.
I have two new piercings.
Wall Street poster = LOVE.
Shoutout to Melissa Polanco.
Jay Elec is signed to Roc Nation.
I'm down for THE movement.
Three months & I'll be drinking like a fish.
The Christmas tree is up.
Where did the year go?

Its a bittersweet feeling wanting to know everything. Sometimes I feel like that's my problem. I want to know it all. That's why I observe so hard & ask so many questions. Of course there are things I find out that hurt, but I have to take it along with the good. I'm in this for myself at the end of the day.
"If I had it my way, every day be Friday."